
Consistent engagement and support with your customers will improve your bottom line and increase customer retention. At Cix Health, we share your passion for acquiring new employer groups alongside increasing customer lifetime value. Here's how we do just that.

Engaged employees achieve
employer goals

Cix Health takes a more profound hand in our users' care. We have learned that a more engaged user is more committed, especially to health. As a result, users avoid costly health incidents while being healthier and more motivated. Cix Health has the tools to support employees as they manage to care for themselves and their loved ones.

Employers want innovation

It is an increasingly competitive world for brokers. Differentiating yourself from your existing and prospective employer groups is the best way to attract new clients and retain your current ones. Cix Health is the only comprehensive care and engagement platform that links employers and employees uniquely and effectively.

Cix Health is your partner

Cix Health partners with you to achieve your goals. We have real-time employee data insights and the technology to support your employer's reporting capabilities. Cix Health assists you in identifying areas for employee improvements and constructive ideas for you to continue supporting your employer groups with innovative recommendations.

Let’s Get Started

Are you ready to unlock the answers to customer retention, engagement, and wellness?