Should you get a flu shot this season?

Learn more about the importance of a flu shot and whether getting the flu shot is right for you.

young girl gets her yearly flu shot

We hear it every year, “get your flu shot this fall.” You see signs for a free flu shot at your pharmacy or even your local grocery store. You might even ask yourself, “do I need to get a flu vaccine every year?” The short answer is yes. The Mayo Clinic says the flu shot is “your best bet for avoiding influenza.” Additionally, the yearly flu shot protects the ones around you from catching influenza.

What is Influenza?

The CDC defines influenza as “the flu,” as “Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs.” It can affect anyone and significantly harm pregnant women, older adults, young children, and people with weakened immune systems.

Should I get the flu shot?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends annual flu vaccination for everyone 6 months or older. The CDC also recommends receiving a flu shot every year to adapt to the new flu variants produced yearly. It’s important to remember that the yearly flu shot not only protects you from severe symptoms of influenza, but it also protects those with chronic conditions like:

·      Asthma

·      Cancer or cancer treatment

·      Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

·      Heart disease

·      Cystic fibrosis

·      Diabetes

·      Brain or nervous system conditions

·      HIV/AIDS

·      Kidney or liver disease

·      Obesity

How do I get my flu shot?

It’s no mystery that some of us are not thrilled by the idea of getting a flu shot injected into our arms every year. For those who are not as excited about getting a shot, a nasal spray is available to people between the ages of 2-49 years old. With the Cix Health app, you can search for the closest location that provides a flu shot for you and your loved ones. Set your flu shot appointment here.


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